3E Performance have officially launched the ‘3e Navigator’ for CEOs and senior managing directors. Designed specifically for new CEO appointments the 3e Navigator is a step-by-step process to assist smooth migration... read more
It is important, given the influence of leadership behaviour on performance and the huge cost of getting the resourcing of executive roles in an organisation wrong, to clearly articulate the required behaviour for successful performance in a role and to appraise an individual against this whether in an external recruitment situation or in an internal move.
In a selection interview, the best means of identifying whether candidates deliver such behaviours is by conducting a Competency Based Interview. This goes beyond asking the usual questions like "What would you do if…" or "Tell me about a situation when you have…". A Competency Based Interview is an expert process in which the interviewee is asked to describe at length two or three recent achievements. Their narrative is then reviewed and analysed for evidence of the required behaviours profiled in the competency model for the role being delivered. This style of interviewing has the highest predictive validity of all interviewing style.